2007 Raw Pu-erh Tea Cake, 8871, Course Grade Kunming Factory
45 lei
A popular 2007 raw Pu-erh Tea Cake with course grade 7 material. Made by Kunming Tea Factory and stored in our professional warehouse in Hong Kong for over 10 years. Very competitively priced.
Smooth, woody old tea flavour.
General Guide to brewing Pu-erh Tea
Steep Pu-erh tea in hot boiling water. The ratio of tea leaves to water is approximately 1:4 to 1:5. or 8 grams of tea to 125 ml. of water.
First steep for 5 to 10 sec and discard the water to clean and heat the tea leaves. Steep for 20 seconds, and lengthen the time for each subsequent infusion.
The number of infusion can range from 10 to 20 times.